Wide Variety of Activities and Experiences

At The Children's Place Childcare Center, our educational program provides a wide variety of developmentally appropriate activities and experiences for preschoolers and toddlers.

Weekly themes are explored through story times, songs, games, arts, science, cooking activities, and purposeful play. Fieldtrips and community resources are also utilized to enhance opportunities for the children to discover more about the world around them. Although learning opportunities occur throughout the day, the time between 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. is primarily devoted to planned preschool activities.

During the school year, the school age program enables the school aged child to feel safe and comfortable in a setting that provides a variety of games, activities and age-appropriate toys and equipment. Children are encouraged to pursue their choices of supervised activities that enable them to enjoy the relaxing and relational qualities of play. The Children's Place provides transportation to Riley and Hartley elementary schools. The summer school age program provides a greater variety of social, educational and recreational experiences. Afternoon fieldtrips, picnics and park visits, swimming, bowling, skating and movies round out the summer days and give the “Whiz Kids” memories galore.

The Children's Place staff provides weekly planning sheets posted in entry hallway to keep parents informed about activities and opportunities. Teachers welcome input from parents at any time and encourage visits in person or by phone to discuss concerns about the child's progress, behaviors or activities. Parents are encouraged to share any related materials or ideas they have concerning themes, topics and activities.